If you would like to host a jackpot your 2024/2025 Jackpot Sanction Form must be submitted to your District Director a minimum of 4 days prior to the date you would like to host the jackpot.
​Things To Remember When Hosting A Jackpot:
-Make sure you fill out all the blanks on the form, we need to know if you are hosting a 3D or 4D and payout breakdowns or your jackpot will not be approved. If you are not following the SBRA Payout breakdowns you must include an entry fee breakdown with your submission.
-You must ask all competitors to show proof of membership at your jackpot (if anyone competes without a membership it could result in a suspension from you being able to host future jackpots.)
-Results and payout must be submitted within 2 weeks of your jackpot or you will be fined (Host must submit $2/horse/rider combo per jackpot-peewee exempt, and the results and payout sheets) E-transfers can be submitted to saskbarrelracing@gmail.com
-The SBRA Board reserves the right to decline submitted sanction forms if there are any errors or omissions on them or if there have been any hosting issues previously from the submitter.