A.1 You must be current S.B.R.A. member in good standing to participate at any S.B.R.A. Jackpots. Membership year is January 1, 2024-December 31, 2024.You must have your S.B.R.A membership to compete/exhibition/toonie run at a jackpot.
It is the responsibility of each contestant to be aware of the rules.
Directors will receive a free membership for their service on the S.B.R.A. Board of directors starting one year after they have been a member of the board.
NEW members (also includes kids advancing from pee-wee-youth or youth-open) are able to purchase a New membership that will begin the day after finals jackpot cut-off date and end December 31 of the following year.
Members RENEWING SBRA memberships can submit renewals to the office after finals and the renewals will be processed closer towards the end of the year (Nov-Dec).
Category - Description of Category Cost/Yr
Open All Ages $80.00 plus GST
Open/Select 50 years & over as they turn 50 within that year. $80.00 plus GST
Open/Youth Youth must have to compete in Open &/or Youth Division $80.00 plus GST
Youth 16 years & under as of January 1 of competition year. $50.00 plus GST
Peewee 10 years & under, 4 years & older as they turn 4 within that year. $10.00 plus GST
Permit* Allowed to compete at a maximum of 4 Jackpots (2 double headers. Attending a jackpot strictly for toonie runs or exhibitions counts as a jackpot off your permit.) $20.00 plus GST
*Permits – Host must sign the back of permit membership card for each jackpot entered
After 4 jackpots you have the option to purchase full membership (Full membership required to toonie run or exhibition at jackpots)
Original 4 jackpots will count towards total to attend finals
​​​Properly filled out annual membership form and lifetime waiver must be processed and on file in S.B.R.A. office before you can compete at S.B.R.A. jackpot for each competition year.
Permit card holders cannot compete at added money jackpots, must be full card holders.
B.1. Contestants, or their associates, using abusive language or abusing a horse will subject the contestant to a minimum fine of $100 at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Second offense could result in suspension of membership. Any misconduct needs to be presented to the board in writing with at least one witness (that is not a family member) and video proof.
B.2. Conduct unbecoming or detrimental to the reputation of the S.B.R.A. will be dealt with by a fine to be determined by the provincial S.B.R.A. executive upon recommendation by that district’s directors. A letter must be issued and a minimum fine of $100 will be charged. Second offense could result in suspension of membership.
B.3. Competing while under the influence of drugs or alcohol can result in suspension from the S.B.R.A. and/or loss of S.B.R.A. attendance or disqualification.
B.4. Misidentifying a horse in any division will disqualify the contestant.
B.5. In the event that jackpot hosts do not submit their attendance and sanction fees within the 2 week deadline: Jackpot hosts will be notified that their jackpot attendance and money is past due and a fine of $50.00 will be assessed and the fine will increase by $50.00 increments for each week that it is past due.
B.6. Any fines must be paid before the contestant enters another competition in any district. S.B.R.A. will consider suspended lists of co-sanctioning associations.
B.7. Appeals will be accepted in writing for consideration by the S.B.R.A. Board of Directors. The decision of the Board will be final.
C.1 Contestants may enter more than one horse with the entry fees being paid on each horse in each category and may collect points/attendance and money based on the horse and rider combination. Registered names of horses are preferable for recording purposes; barn names can be put in brackets if required. Show committees can offer carryovers from one category to another as long as the pattern is the same, declared at entry time, and entry fees are paid.
C.2 Divisions will be defined as follows: (Times are examples only)
3 D Division (1 second split)
17.200-18.199 1D = fastest time and those that place in this division
18.200-19.199 2D = fastest time ‘plus one second’ and those placing in this division
19.200 & up 3D = fastest time ‘plus two seconds’ & all times below 3D fast time
4D Division (.5/.5/1.0 split)
17.200-17.699 1D = fastest time and those that place in this division
17.700-18.199 2D = fastest time ‘plus 1/2 second’ and those placing in this division
18.200-19.199 3D = fastest time ‘plus 1 second’ and those placing in this division
19.200 & up 4D = fastest time ‘plus 2 seconds’ and those placing in this division OR
4D Division (7 tenths split)
17.000-17.699 1D = fastest time and those that place in this division
17.700-18.399 2D = fastest time ‘plus 7/10 second’ & those placing in this division
18.400-19.099 3D = fastest time ‘plus 1 4/10 seconds’ & those placing in this division
19.100 & up 4D = fastest time ‘plus 2 1/10 seconds’ & those placing in this division
C.3 Fastest time is the fastest running time without penalties (fastest clean run). Payout should be the 1000ths of a second.
C.4 The Jackpot Host must be a current S.B.R.A. member and must allow all members or permit card members the right to compete at the jackpot.
C.5 All SBRA sanctioned jackpots are provincially approved. Memberships/permit cards can be requested by jackpot hosts, and attendance shall be added to the members total to compute finals qualifications (reference rule E.1& E.2)
C.6 If special grounds rules are requested by the host they must be approved by the District Director/s and/or the Board of Directors and they must be posted along with the jackpot information.
C.7 In order to have a Regular/Practice Jackpot a Sanction form must be received by the appropriate District Director in enough time to be approved and posted on the S.B.R.A. website for a minimum of 4 days prior to the jackpot date.
C.8 All Added Money jackpots must submit the sanction form and the appropriate fees to the District Director prior to the event being approved. They must be received by the office and posted on the S.B.R.A. Website a minimum of 4 days prior to the date.
C.9 The suggested payout for all 3D jackpots is 1D-40%, 2D-30%, 3D-30% with the ability of the committee to vary the payout percentages by 5% up or down per division. The suggested payout for all 4D jackpots 1D-35%, 2D-30%, 3D-20%, and 4D-15% with the ability of the committee to vary the payout percentages by 5% up or down per division. 3D & 4D Standard Payout Schedules with number of places for each division are posted on website.
C10. The S.B.R.A. will dual approve jackpots with other Associations that have the same format as the S.B.R.A. (3D/4D). The Association/s are required to have a valid Certificate of Insurance covering its member’s interests on file with the S.B.R.A. prior to any dual approved jackpots. Members of the other Association/s are allowed to compete with proof of membership.
C.11 Each Jackpot Host is to send the jackpot results to the District Director within 2 weeks of the jackpot date. All results must be received by the Finals Entry Date or attendance may be discarded.
C. 12 MINI FINALS and or DISTRICT FINALS- All series and mini finals in each district must follow the SBRA provincial rules and not add or alter the SBRA rules or the jackpot will not be approved. Violation will result in loss of jackpot hosting privileges at the discretion of the SBRA board.
C. 13 A horse CANNOT compete against itself at any SBRA sanctioned event (jackpot/series finals) in the OPEN and YOUTH categories.
C.14 Only one jackpot per day is allowed to be sanctioned per district when hosts are within 150 kms of each other.
C. 15 Arena/ Jackpot hosts may choose between the following splits: 1 second, 7/10ths, or a 5/10th/ 1 second split.
C. 16 All Exhibition Runs must be run at the end of the Jackpot.
C. 17 Pee wee riders: If they are in need of help (ie: someone leading them) they can do so, however they CANNOT be ponied by another horse and rider. That person must be on foot while leading the Pee wee horse and rider.
C. 18 *NEW for 2022 All Youth that want to compete in both the youth and open must carry their time over from the youth to the open instead of running again at all regular jackpots.
D.1 A dress code may be implemented by the host of an S.B.R.A. sanctioned jackpot, unless there is a jackpot with added prize money. At that time, western attire is to be worn (long-sleeved shirts, western hats, western boots, and western pants). Members are encouraged to wear western attire at all jackpots.
D.2 All contestants 17 years and younger must wear a certified riding helmet when on a horse in and out of the riding arena. As soon as the member turns 18 they no longer have to wear a helmet.
D.3 The start/finish line and the barrel positions should be permanently marked for the entire event. If jackpot host is unable to mark pattern please ask the district directors for assistance.
D. 4 If a barrel is moved off its marker during competition, the barrel must be reset prior to the next contestant’s run.
D.5 An S.B.R.A. barrel race is a timed event using three identically sized barrels set in a cloverleaf pattern. Barrels should be empty 45 gallon metal drums with closed ends.
D.6 In the 3D or 4D systems, if a barrel is knocked, a 5 second penalty will be assessed but will not be added to the running time until after the run has been put in the appropriate Division (1D, 2D, 3D or 4D). At that time the 5 second penalty can be added to the running time for placement in that Division or applied a no time. A knocked barrel will not be eligible for prizes and/or money for that run.
D.7 Reruns shall be granted if there is a complete failure in timing or if the barrels or timers are not placed properly on their markers. The rerun will happen at an appropriate time during the raking order as determined by the show committee and contestant must be notified as soon as possible. Any penalty incurred on the original run shall not be applied against the rerun; however any penalty occurring on the rerun shall apply.
D. 8 The SBRA shall implement the following standard pattern; pattern must be adapted to fit the arena size. Regulation barrel distances are ninety feet (90′) between barrel one (1) and two (2); one hundred and five feet (105′) between barrel one (1) and three (3) and between barrel two(2) and barrel three (3); and sixty feet (60′) from barrels one(1) and two (2) to the score line. In smaller arenas, barrel three (3) should be no closer than twenty five feet (25′) to the end of the arena and should not be more than fifteen feet (15′) longer than barrel one (1) and two(2). Barrels should be eighteen feet (18′) from the sides of the arena, but in a small arena, they may be less. In no instance should they be less than fifteen feet (15′). Anytime there is a closed gate (i.e running home) special attention should be paid to the stopping distance to allow the maximum amount of room (which could be more than forty five feet (45′)for the safety of the contestant and horse.
D. 8. b) An exception to the above rule would be the very small outdoor arenas and most indoor arenas where the regulation pattern would not fit. In these arenas the barrels would be marked 15 feet off the walls or fences and 18 feet off of chutes, and the score line would be a minimum of 20 feet with a minimum stopping distance of 45 feet measured from the center of the arena.
D.9 Failure to follow the standard barrel pattern above will result in disqualification. Breaking the standard barrel pattern will consist of:
Making an extra loop anywhere in the cloverleaf patter, once over the start line.
Falling off the horse.
Turning a barrel twice.
Breaking forward motion.
Crossing the finish line prior to completion of a run.
D. 10 Any situation not covered under these rules shall be decided by the S.B.R.A.. director on site or on call.
D.11 Travel for directors and executive will be at .50 c/km and meals will be reimbursed after submitting receipts.
S.B.R.A Bylaws
1. Name: The Association shall be known as the “Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association Inc.” (Non-Profit Corporation #212208).
2. Objectives of the Association:
Without limiting the activities of this Association, the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association Inc. will seek to achieve the following objectives:
(a) To promote barrel racing as a sport and as a family event.
(b) To serve as an educational medium for its members by distributing information relative to the barrel racing industry by organizing seminars and clinics.
(c) To raise the standards of care, of handling, and of working horses.
3. Memberships:
(a) Membership will be on an individual basis. A member may purchase one (1) membership only.
4. Membership Dues:
(a) Membership dues shall be payable annually and shall be established from time to time by the resolution of the Board of Directors.
(b) If the Board of Directors makes any change in the membership fee for the ensuing year, members of the Association shall be advised of the change at the annual general meeting.
(c) Memberships will run from January 1 – December 31.
(d) Members who resign from the Association or whose memberships have been revoked shall not be entitled to a refund of fees.
5. Officers of the Association:
a) The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer. The President shall be elected bi-annually by the members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and who shall hold office during the ensuing two years or until his or her successor is duly elected. The Vice-President shall be elected bi-annually by the members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and who shall hold office during the ensuing two years or until his or her successor is duly elected. The President and Vice-President terms shall alternate voting years. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be paid and shall be a position at which will run from January 1 to December 31 for a two year term. Applications shall be accepted and the Board of Directors will select a candidate for the position. The Board of Directors shall determine the yearly wage for the Secretary/Treasurer.
(b) The immediate available Past President of the Association shall be considered to be an officer of the Association unless he/she resigns or fails to maintain membership in the Association.
All officers must be Directors of the Association.
The officers of the Association shall be made up of members of at least 3 districts.
6. Duties of Officers:
(a) President – The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the Association, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee. He/she shall conduct meetings in accordance with established rules of procedure. He/she shall ensure that the decisions of the Association, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee are carried into effect.
(b) Past President – The immediate available Past President shall attend all meetings of the Association, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee, and shall perform such duties as the Executive Committee may assign to him/her.
(c) Vice-President – The Vice-President as elected by the members shall serve on the Executive Committee and shall have all the powers and duties of the President in his/her absence.
(d) Secretary/Treasurer – the secretary/treasurer shall keep records of the Association, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee. He/She shall record minutes of all meetings and shall distribute them as directed to all members of the respective groups. He/She shall be responsible for the official correspondence and related financial matters of the Association, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee when requested.
7. Board of Directors:
(a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors, which will consist of no more than two members per district, all of whom shall be individual members of the Association. Each district shall elect their own directors. Director terms will be a two year position with each directorship alternating voting years. The director names shall be put forth at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) The immediate Past President of the Association shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Board of Directors and shall not have a vote thereat and shall not be included in the maximum number of Directors.
(c) The office of a Director shall be vacated:
(i) If a Director shall resign his/her office by delivering a written resignation to the Secretary of the Association;
(ii) If, at a special meeting of members or at a special meeting of Directors called for that purpose, a resolution is passed by three-quarters of those present at the meeting that he/she be removed from office;
(iii) On death;
(iv) Provided that any vacancy shall occur for any reason in this paragraph contained, the Directors may by resolution fill the vacancy with a person in good standing on the books of the Association as a member;
(v) Directors shall vacate their position as Director of the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association, if they fail to attend 50% of the designated Board of Directors’ meetings.
(d) Directors, as such, shall not receive any remuneration for their service, but by resolution of the Board, expenses of their attendance may be allowed by their attendance at each regular or special meeting of the Board.
(e) A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
(f) The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times each year for the purpose of establishing policies related to the purposes and work of the Association and for the dispatch of business related thereto. One of these meetings shall be held immediately before and another immediately after the annual meeting.
(g) The President of the Association shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Board may name such committees and appoint such officials as are necessary to achieve the purposes of the Association.
8. Executive Committee:
(a) The Executive Committee shall be the officers of the Association and shall be made up of members of at least 3 districts.
(b) The Executive Committee shall, during those times of the year when the Board of Directors is not in session, have the same powers as the Board and shall by its actions and decisions bind the Board until it next meets.
(c) The Executive Committee shall implement the decisions of the Board and of the Association.
(d) The Executive Committee shall have the power to initiate activities that will further the objectives of the Association.
(e) The Executive Committee will perform their duties without remuneration, but they shall be entitled to reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses in performing their duties in accordance with an expense schedule approved by the Board of Directors.
9. Meetings:
(a) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held during the Association finals. Any issues regarding policy and procedures to be discussed and voted on at AGM must be submitted as motions at least 30 calendar days before the AGM. These motions will be published on the website 2 weeks before finals. Any new motions made after the cut off date will be added to the agenda for the following AGM meeting.
(b) Quorum at the Annual General Meeting shall be 2/3 of the members in attendance at that meeting with at least 50% of the districts represented, and written ballots shall be permitted. Written Ballots shall only be utilized for the election of officers.
(c) The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times each year as set forth in Article 7 and seven days notice of such meetings shall be given.
(d) The Executive Committee shall meet as required on the call of the President for the adequate dispatch of Association business.
(e) The President or, in his/her absence, the Vice-President, shall have authority to call such meetings as he/she deems necessary.
(f) A majority of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee may jointly, in writing, request the President to call a meeting of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee and the President shall forthwith cause such a meeting to be held.
10. Voting:
(a) At the Annual General Meeting of the Association, all members have the right to vote.
(b) At meetings of the Board of Directors, all elected members, with the exception of the Acting President and the immediate Past President, have a right to vote. In the event of a tie, the Acting President will cast the deciding vote.
(c) At meetings of the Executive Committee, all officers have a right to vote.
11. Fiscal Year:
The Fiscal Year shall be from January 01 to December 31.
12. Auditors:
The Board of Directors shall name an auditor who shall audit the accounts and financial records of the Association and shall present his/her report at the Annual General Meeting of the Association as requested by the Board of Directors or the majority of the voting members. The remuneration shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.
The auditor shall be one qualified to review and evaluate financial records. He/she shall be independent of the membership of the Association.
13. Signing Authority:
Any two members of the Executive Committee, shall have signing authority on any written document or instrument of the Association. Normally, cheques shall be signed by the President or Vice-President and the Secretary or Treasurer.
14. Head Office:
The head office of the Association shall be the home address of the Secretary unless the Executive Committee rules otherwise.
15. Amendments to the Constitution:
Amendments to the Constitution may be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association where it can be voted on and passed by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present.
16. By-Laws and Regulations:
(a) The Board of Directors shall have authority to amend the By-Laws as may be necessary to implement the by-laws effectively and not inconsistent with it to ensure the smooth functioning of the Association.
(b) If a decision of some urgency must be made and the By-Laws or related rules do not seem to cover the matter adequately, the Executive Committee shall have authority to take such action as it deems necessary and shall report such action at the next meeting of the Association within whose jurisdiction final responsibility for the By-Laws rests.
17. Interpretation of Constitution and Related Regulations and By-Laws:
(a) In these documents the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the masculine shall include the feminine.
(b) In the event of conflict of opinion about the interpretation of these By-Laws or any of the related rules, the decision of the President shall prevail unless and until the matter can be referred to the next Annual General Meeting of the Association.
18. Dissolution:
On dissolution of the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association Inc., its properties and assets shall, after payment of all liabilities, be donated to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Equine Health Research Fund, University of Saskatchewan, or to the body that absorbs the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association Inc. and follows the aims and objectives of the Saskatchewan Barrel Racing Association Inc.